Information of the Past required
by Jan Joel - 11:47 on 31 July 2017
Gwybodaeth sydd ei hangen
Ar hyn o fryd rwy'n ysgrifennu llyfr o’r Ystâd Nanteos, ynghylch y gweithwyr, y ffermwyr ac rhedeg ystâd Nanteos.
Os oes gennych unrhyw wybodaeth - straeon teuluol neu hen luniau yr hoffech chi eu rhoi yn y llyfr, cysylltwch – YMA
Unrhyw wybodaeth yn gyd o gymorth tuag at y gwaith ymchwil.
Information required
I am currently writing a book of the Nanteos Estate, about the workers, the farmers and the running of the Nanteos Estate.
If you have any information - family stories or old photographs that you would like to be put into the book please get in touch HERE
Any information is all helpful towards the research.
Johnny Evans, Mary ‘Oit’ Davies, Dick Jenkins.
Gwladys Nellie Evans, David Scott, Dick Hughes,
Tom Jenkins, a William Powell Davies.
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