
Nanteos Tour - Nanteos Guided Tours

Guided tours are now available at Nanteos every Wednesday.

A historical tour of the Georgian Nanteos starting at the front of the mansion, pointing out some interesting details before continuing into the mansion. Guided through the ground floor then up the grand staircase to the first floor, popping into the fabulous Music Room. Then continuing to the second floor before returning down via the servant's staircase to the service rooms, and visiting the fantastic old kitchen.

Finally, outside into the Courtyard, walking to the Greek style architectural stable block, before entering the Walled Garden, through the garden into the shrubbery and visiting the pets cemetery.

Eventually returning to mansion and for some tea, if requested.

Click on the link below to book a tour and tea or telephone Nanteos 01970 600522

Nanteos Tours

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